Ordering for Tipper and Friends? In stock items will be available online until April 7th!


Johnathan Singer Art takes great pride in the quality of our goods. To maintain integrity and consistency in manufacturing processes, we get most our clothing and accessories produced by-hand, print to-order at the Vision Lab Art facility in Athens, GA and Art of Where in Montreal Canada. For this reason, please expect approximately 5-7 business days for your clothing order(s) to be manufactured and processed for shipping. (Please note, since Vision Lab and Art of where are made-on-demand manufacturers, and while they strive for a 5-7 business day turn around to produce the products, during peak times of the year, this timeline may change to accommodate the the volume of incoming orders.) When items are completed and prepared for shipment, you will be automatically emailed with your tracking number to the email you provided during check out.

Yoga mats and art/accessory items are always shipped separately from our sewn goods and therefore you will be provided individual tracking numbers for these items. Due to separate shipping needs and our made-on-demand environment, you may find that some items in your order ship faster than others. 

Kimonos are made in small batches by Warrior Within Designs. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery. 

Prints are printed by order by Tribe13 Gallery. Please allow 2 to 4 weeks for delivery. 

Please review our return/exchange policy prior to making any purchases, noting our non-returnables and exchange deadlines/requirements. Additionally, Johnathan Singer Art is not responsible for lost, stolen, or unclaimed packages and is not responsible for the re-production of the content(s) in the lost/stolen/unclaimed package. 



All orders within the continental US are shipped via USPS. Once processed, packages will arrive within 1-7 business days in the continental US (depending on the order). 



International orders are shipped via USPS First Class International mail.   Delivery times vary based on country and typically range from 7 - 21 days. Johnathan Singer Art is not responsible for any taxes / duties that may be assessed by the country which the item has been shipped. 



If the package is refused, your refund amount will be calculated as the total of your order minus shipping costs.  Your refund will only be processed once package arrives back at our po box and evaluated for damages. 


Please contact us if you have any questions.